Think Differently
Journey beyond and integrate every aspect of who you are for more powerful impact.
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What we believe in

Human development is crucial to addressing the complexity of change today. Using Integral Coaching®, a holistic methodology developed around human development principles, we empower leaders and teams to journey beyond the limits of today, improve their leadership skills, manage their teams more effectively, and increase their impact.


Hello there!

My name is Miguel, and I'm passionate about helping individuals further their developmental growth and go beyond what they think is possible.

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Profile image of Miguel.
A lightening spark.


Whether you're leading an organization or contributing as a team member, we all carry within us ways that get in the way of achieving our most meaningful goals and reaching our fullest potential.

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Consulting & Team Training

I consult and facilitate trainings on the topics of trust, communication and teamwork.

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A team collaborating together at a table.

What people are saying

"I had the great pleasure of having Miguel as my coach over the period of 4 months! It was an absolutely amazing experience that was extremely effective at helping me identify and achieve my true goals. Miguel had a very well-structured and laid-out program built for me and had an incredible ability to push forward and really dig deep into my motivators, thinking process, and reasons behind why I do certain things. There were multiple occurrences of fantastic "ah-ha!" moments as a result of this, and it really led to incredible breakthroughs in achieving my goals. His practice materials that he curates are also fantastic for helping accomplish and work towards goals even when you are not in a meeting with him! Overall, it was a fantastic experience, and Miguel truly helped me achieve my motivating goal!"

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Ian Clarke

Senior Software Engineer & Team Lead

I found the coaching program and Miguel’s support throughout very effective and enjoyable. The collaborative crafting of goals, perspectives, and practices brought forth new ways of thinking and behaving with each session. Despite being usually unsure about my goals for each session, I always walked away with a great “ah-ha moment,” a new goal that built upon the base and a next step in my practice. Miguel’s patience and questions allowed me to get to realizations and new goals that I relate to personally. Thanks so much, Miguel!

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My coaching journey with Miguel started back in December 2023 till March. My objectives, clearly defined at the beginning, were achieved at the end of our journey. A huge achievement! I appreciated his coaching style, which made me reflect and think a layer deeper. I obtained insights on my ‘current ways’ and how they are benefitting me, but also in which situations they can be a barrier. Powerful questions made me reflect, and hands-on exercises helped to establish my ‘new way,’ which made me a more confident, fulfilled and happy person in different faces of my life. Big thanks!

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Yvonne Visser


"I came to Miguel needing help with my systems - if only I could wrangle everything into its proper place, THEN I’d finally feel okay. Miguel kindly helped me realize that the real work was not in systems (though he’d help w that, too) but with my mindset and experience of my life and work. By zooming way out and creating new narratives, Miguel helped me gain a whole lot more contentment and peace around my work. Even writing this now reminds me to chill out today and approach the work in the playful, weird dude way that makes me create stuff I’m proud of. Thank you, Miguel!"

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Alex Dobrenko

Owner of Both are True

"Miguel was invaluable in helping me transition from over two decades in a career where the next step was always a given into being comfortable in and embracing the unknown for what comes next. Having daily exercises to match/practice what was discussed during sessions was quite helpful and a change from how I've experienced coaching in the past. Would definitely recommend at least having an introductory discussion if you feel there's an area of your life that could be improved!"

A profile picture of the individual of this testimonial.
Jedidja Bourgeois

Senior Software Engineer

"Miguel quickly figured out the best approach to help me get the results I was looking for. He is very organized and the weekly practices he customized for me helped within my development."

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Chantal Charron

Interior Designer & Decorator @ CDesign4U

"I reached out to Miguel after finding myself caught in an exhausting cycle of pointing at a goal and blindly racing towards it. His patient and insightful approach to discussing what I was hoping for allowed me to identify that more was not the answer to what I felt was missing. If you have a notion and a willingness to work towards it, you can trust that Miguel will help you get there."

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Thom Palmer

Senior Software Engineer & Manager

"Working with Miguel was an enlightening and memorable journey!  His insights and coaching led to some very powerful moments of self-discovery and personal growth.  He was sincere and genuine in his commitment to helping me work towards my goal, and the metaphors he developed as the building blocks of our sessions together continue to be relevant and relatable."

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"When I met Miguel, I felt completely disconnected to myself! I was disabled by a car accident and saw my life being taken away little by little physically, emotionally, and psychologically until I couldn't even remember who I was before the accident. After my accident, I never really accepted my "new" self and always felt like my mind and body were complete strangers. Miguel gave me tools, helped me navigate this physical and emotional pain, and helped me accept my "NEW" self more! Throughout the program, he challenged me and gave me practices that, to this day, still help ground me when my life, health, and emotions all seem completely out of sync and when everything around me is chaotic."

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Kat Paradis-Blais


An Evolutionary Journey
Journey beyond the unknown, experience what emerges next and create the change you seek to make.